Cheese by season: Spring

02. Cheese by season: Spring

Spring, the season of new grass and flower filled pastures, is the best period to profit from cheeses that are matured for a short period of time, with their subtle and fragranced milk.

 Therefore, in spring, you can consume with pleasure and at their best the follwing cheeses:

• Soft, bloomy rind cheeses (Camembert, Coulommiers, Brie, Saint-Marcellin, Chaource, Brillat-Savarin).
• Soft, washed rind cheeses (Epoisses, Langres, Livarot, Maroilles, Munster, Pont-L’évêque).
• Certain uncooked, pressed cheeses (Saint-nectaire, Reblochon).
• And of course goat’s cheeses, which are at their best in this period (Banon, Cabécou de Rocamadour, Chabichou du Poitou, Crottin de Chavignol, Pélardon, Saint-Maure, Selles-Sur-Cher).

In spring, when composing a cheese platter, you would be advised on the following:
• Brie de Meaux, Coeur de Neufchatel, Chabichou du Poitou, Bleu des Causses, Livarot, Cendré de Vergy.
• Crottin de Chavignol, Pouligny-Saint-Pierre, Poivre-d'âne, Brie de Melun, Bleu de Sassenage.
• Camembert de Normandie, Bleu du Quercy, Munster, Coeur d'Arras.