Fleur du Maquis aux herbes

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This ewe’s milk cheese is a recent creation, coming from the 1950s. It is artisan made in the Bastia region of Corsica.

Its name comes from the name of the flower which grows in the area. The rind is covered with aromatic herbs which marry perfectly with juniper berries and small birds eye chillies which create a unique flavour which is captivating and intense. 

 This marriage of flavours represents the Corsican spirit, the use of aromatic ewe’s milk pays homage to the native vegetation which fragrances the countryside of the island.

The Fleur du Marquis aux Herbes cheese is generally in the shape of a square, with sides measuring 10cm by 5cm, and weighing 500g.

This cheese can also be known as “Brin d’Amour,” with the pate being fine and the colour varying between red and green. It was created in 1953 by Mr Corsaletti, near to Calenzana.

The cheese is matured between 1 and 3 months.


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