Stinking Bishop

Royaume Uni
Soft cheese with washed rind

Stinking Bishop is an English cow's milk, which has been produced by Charles Martell and Son since 1972 at the farm of Laurel, Gloucestershire. The name of Stinking Bishop comes from the name of a variety of pear which grows in the region. According to the legend, Stinking Bishop's origins date back to Cistercian monks from the village of Dymock who used to produce cheeses soaked in diverse liqueurs. The white, creamy and mild texture is covered of a grey orange rind. In the shape of a flattened sphere, Stinking Bishop weighs  2 kg and measures 20 cm by 4 cm. The milk comes from the cattle of the region; the cows of this cattle belong to a rare species that Charles Martell wanted to preserve. As its name shows, this cheese has a strong smell, some people comparing it to the smell of old socks. The smell is the result of washings done every four weeks in pear brandy.

Associated wines Stinking Bishop Associated wines

Banyuls ou Maury / Gevrey-Chambertin / Monbazillac / Tokay

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