Cheese platters for weddings

06. Cheese platters for weddings

A platter of cheese for a memorable wedding.
Anthelme Brillat As wrote in his Savarin Physiology of Taste in 1825 and often quoted by Pierre Androuet, "A meal without cheese is like a beautiful woman who is missing an eye."
For an unforgettable wedding and respectful of traditions, your guests will be happy to be offered a special wedding cheeseboard and composed of the best seasonal cheeses. This type of cheese platter for a wedding gives a friendly and generous side to your wedding breakfast.
Submit a cheese platter for a wedding can satisfy your most demanding guests.
To taste the cheese platter at a wedding in the best conditions, take them out of the refrigerator at least an hour before your meal to bring them gradually to room temperature and thus, make the most of all their flavors.
To serve the cheese platter at a wedding, choose a natural material support. Glass, wicker, wood or ceramics have our preferences, but avoid the metal (stainless steel or silver) which tends to alter the flavor of the cheese. The tray may also be presented as a fine cheese cover.
The cheese does not present a uniform taste throughout its mass, always cut it out so as to join the heart and the crust.